Thank you for your interest in our brand new community!

Our waitlist for our subsidized and moderate income homes is currently closed. However, we are still accepting waitlist applications to our Department of Neighborhood Development Affordable Housing Program, targeting those households at or below 100% AMI (Area Median Income) as well as our Market Rate housing program. Click here for our Marketing Flyer which contains information on rental rates and income restrictions to qualify for these Programs.

 Asset and Use Restrictions Apply.  

Applications for the Department of Neighborhood Development Affordable Housing Program, targeting those households at or below 100% AMI (Area Median Income) as well as our Market Rate housing program can be downloaded by clicking here.  Please review the income qualifications on the Marketing Flyer linked above to determine if your household would meet the income qualifications outlined. Applications can be emailed to [email protected], mailed or dropped off/picked up in person at the leasing office, Monday – Friday 8:30AM – 5:00PM.

Thank you for your interest in The Clarion!

Call us : (617) 433-9755